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Please fill out requirement and click "To Input content confirmation screen" if you agree to the above policy.
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※ You cannot send your query unless you agree our Privacy Policy.

Privacy Policy

We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and handling any personal information we obtain from you with care and respect.
Please enter the submit after confirming the following information.

  • We collect information from you because it is in order for us to provide you with a service which best suits you.
  • We will not give, sell, share, or rent, your information with others.
  • We will supervise our employees as well as the contract companies not to reveal our clients' privacy.
  • We do not provide any of your information to others without your consent.
  • When and if the information which we have disclosed is different from the fact, we will correct or delete.
  • If you have any questions regarding the privacy policies, please feel free to contact us.